
Here we go!

Dear Rock U. rockers, parents, friends, fans, and families:

We have finally received confirmation that Rock U. can reopen on Tuesday 15 December for youth bands and private lessons as planned!  Woohoo!  Adult bands, unfortunately, will have to wait until at least 7 January.
First, let me say this again because it’s important: Our health and safety procedures to prevent coronavirus transmission work (you can review them here) and will remain in effect.  We have not had a single known or even suspected case of coronavirus transmission at Rock U. since we reopened in May after the spring confinement.  We’re so glad you can keep rocking safely with us!
Please read below for more information about specific bands and programs.

Youth and teen bands

1) Our bands have been getting ready for this chance every week on Zoom since the beginning of confinement!  (Check out Saturday Rock 202 band Drop Duh Mic working on Zoom this morning with Rory and William – hat day today!)
2) Except for Monday bands, all Rock U. youth and teen bands will meet at Rock U. at their normal practice times next week, 15-19 December.
3) The bands will record video performances of at least some of the songs they would have played in our Fall Concert (originally scheduled for tomorrow), and we’ll release the videos on YouTube as part of our Rock the Confine Concert Series. So check our YouTube channelFacebook page, and Instagram account for new videos coming soon! Monday bands will meet on Zoom one more time, and record their videos in January.
4) Please note: to accommodate the 20h curfew, bands that begin practice at 18h30 will finish at 19h45 instead of 20h.  Any rockers who need to leave earlier than 19h45 to get home by 20h will of course be excused earlier.

We will close after 19 December for the holiday break, and reopen for our Winter Session as scheduled on 4 Jan with all bands in the studio!  We’re optimistic that our Winter Concert at La Boule Noire will take place on Sunday 21 March.

Adult bands

Unfortunately, our adult bands will have to wait a longer to come back (see video above).  With the earliest possible return date now confirmed as 7 January, we will revise the calendar to extend both semesters and postpone the first concert, to give the bands time to prepare.  We will send you the amended calendar very soon, please stay tuned!

Private lessons

Private lessons will resume as before on 15 December as well, with the same procedures in effect as before the confinement.  Many private lessons have continued on Zoom and were scheduled to end already, so many of you may not have a lesson scheduled next week in any case.  If you would like to have a lesson next week even if you have finished your Fall Session of lessons, please let your teacher know directly, or contact Lesson Coordinator Jason Waters at 07 67 78 88 16 or
So we’ll see many of you next week!  As always…
Stay chill, hang tough, and make music!
Matt and the Rock U. Crew
We really miss you!  We were disappointed that this week’s announcements didn’t bring us permission to reopen next week.  But it’s a bad news-good news situation, and there’s some of both.  It’s good to focus on the positive, so here it is: Rock U. will reopen on a (mostly) normal schedule starting on Tuesday 15 December!

And there’s another important piece of good news you might not have realized.  Since the first deconfinement in May, Rock U. has been operating a full slate of bands and lessons under our new health and safety procedures for distancing and disinfection (which you can see here), except for our annual closure in August and early September.  During that time, we have not had a single case of known coronavirus transmission or infection at Rock U.  We have had only one student test positive after a Rock U. session, but it was not known whether the student became infected before or after attending the session, and none of the other students or teachers in the band tested positive or developed symptoms.  Our procedures work, and will continue in force once we reopen, to keep you rocking safely!

Please read below for more information about our specific bands and programs.

Youth and teen bands
OK, first the bad news: the Rock U. Fall Concert scheduled for 13 December is now officially cancelled.  La Boule Noire, like every music venue in Paris, can’t open until 20 January at the soonest.

So now let’s do the good news:
1) Our bands have been working really well on Zoom since returning from Toussaint break, and will continue doing great work for just a few more weeks.
2) We will extend the Fall Session by an extra week so our bands get one last practice session together in the studio.  Our last day will be Saturday 19 December instead of 12 December.
3) Bands will use this in-studio practice session to record video performances of their songs, which we will be very proud to release as the next (and hopefully final) installment of our Rock the Confine Concert Series!
4) We expect to operate normally in the Winter Session from 4 Jan – 20 March, and are optimistic that the concert at La Boule Noire, scheduled for 21 March, will take place.

So keep your eyes peeled on our YouTube channelFacebook page, and Instagram account for a bunch of new releases from Rock U. bands in December!

Adult bands
Our adult bands will also resume normal operations starting on 15 December.  However, since we’ve lost 6 weeks of the semester, we will be amending the calendar to include make-up sessions for these missed weeks and to move the concert later in the winter.  The adult band instructors and I will send you more information about the amended calendar very soon, please stay tuned!

Private lessons
Private lessons will resume as before on 15 December as well.  If you would prefer to change your in-studio lesson to an online lesson for now, that’s easily done.  And some instructors may be available for make up lessons online during the holiday break.  For more information or any questions about lessons, please contact Lesson Coordinator Jason Waters at 07 67 78 88 16 or
So we’ll see you very soon!  As always, check out our free rock and roll content on our YouTube channelFacebook page, and Instagram account.  Look for new One Minute Master Classes, music trivia and theory, artist appreciation, and recommendations on online resources for rockers.  Like and subscribe to be notified as each new post goes up.  And in the meantime…
Stay chill, hang tough, and make music!
Matt and the Rock U. Crew

Now’s the time to grab a one-of-a-kind stocking stuffer and help say “buh-bye, so long, see ya later” to 2020!  All proceeds help support the Association Rock U. (non-profit Association loi 1901).

Available for preorder through Sunday 15 November only!  Orders must be received by Sunday to receive preorder price.

* 15€ for kids sizes, 18€ for adults (TTC).
* high quality Fruit of the Loom 100% cotton t-shirt
* kids sizes XS-XL available (white t-shirt only)
* adult sizes S-XXXL available (white or black t-shirt)

Order your t-shirts HERE.

T-shirts will be available for pickup at Rock U. when confinement ends.  Payment by cash, check, or bank transfer on delivery.

Stay chill, hang tough, and make music,
Matt and the Rock U. Crew

Dear Rock U. rockers, parents, friends, fans, and families:

We miss you!  And once again we send our hopes that you’re healthy and safe during this new period of confinement. We’re obviously extremely disappointed that this latest lockdown will force us to suspend our in-person bands and lessons. But, although the last lockdown was no fun, it turned out to be a period of unprecedented creativity and learning for most of us at Rock U, as you can see in the video above.  We’ve been here before.  We know what to do.  We got this.  And we can do it even better this time.  (You can use the confinement to check out all 53 videos and listen to all 18 audio tracks our students created during the spring lockdown!)
Youth and teen bands

Once again, we’ll be bringing Rock U. to you online until we can reopen our studio.  As we learned in the spring, we can still make music, learn, and have fun during this time.  Starting tomorrow, we will be resuming weekly band session for ALL of our youth and teen bands on Zoom (available for free download at

Our main goal for the month of November will be to continue learning and preparing the songs the bands have chosen for the Fall Concert.  Clearly we’ll be waiting to hear how the situation develops and we’ll be hoping for a timely end to the confinement period.  Obviously it’s too soon to know if our concert will take place as scheduled on 13 December, but if it doesn’t, we’ll provide another way for the bands to perform their sets, as we did in the spring.  If the concert can’t take place, we’ll add an extra week to the Fall Session by continuing practices until 19 December, in order to give the bands more opportunities to create their performances.

What does my child need to take part? 

Band practices will consist of a full-band meeting followed by individual coaching sessions with every student, giving them each a chance to work on their parts directly with their instructors.  Please make sure your rocker has a Zoom account and device, a quiet space in your house, and whatever instruments you have available.  Kids without instruments at home can still participate (you’ll be surprised how easy it is to make music with whatever’s at hand with a little creativity).  For our teen students, most of you already have WhatsApp chat groups with your band and teacher.  Make sure you check these regularly for updates about your band’s plans.

How do I get in touch with my (or my child’s) band teacher? 
Here you go:
Matt Black: 06 19 69 25 74
Rory Quinn: 06 59 99 51 63
Leander Lyons: 06 73 54 25 78
Jason Waters: 07 67 78 88 16

Adult bands

We expect more variation in online participation among our adult bands, and fortunately we have more flexibility in scheduling.  As a result, rather than necessarily continuing with weekly online meetings for every band, we’ll make up the missed November sessions by adding the weeks of 14-18 December and 8-12 February to the first semester, scheduling other additional sessions after deconfinement, and modifying the dates of concerts for the rest of the year if necessary to add enough time to catch up.  However, if some bands have the motivation and available instruments at home to continue with their practices online, that’s great!  Please talk to your individual instructor to discuss how your band will proceed.  In any case, we’ll provide other ways to stay engaged, learn, and socialize during the month of November, including our weekly online Adult Band open mic sessions, trivia and listening quizzes, contests, and online content.

Andy Guthrie: 06 37 06 20 85
Leander Lyons: 06 73 54 25 78
Jason Waters: 07 67 78 88 16

Private lessons

We will continue with online lessons during this period of closure.  Many of our lessons are already online, and students taking lessons in person will have the option to either move online or suspend their lessons until deconfinement allows.  Private lessons students, please fill in this brief questionnaire so we can make appropriate arrangements for you.

If you’re not already taking lessons, now is an excellent time to begin!  You can sign up for private lessons here:

If you have any questions about lessons, please contact Lesson Coordinator Jason Waters at 07 67 78 88 16 or

Online content

As always, you can check out our free rock and roll content on our YouTube channelFacebook page, and Instagram account.  Look for new One Minute Master Classes, music trivia and theory, artist appreciation, and recommendations on online resources for rockers.  Like and subscribe to be notified as each new post goes up.

Here’s what we said back in March when the first lockdown arrived: “We know this isn’t how any of us expected to be spending our time this month.  The irony of this situation is that togetherness and music are two things that could be really helpful to most of us during this period of isolation and uncertainty, and they’re two things we can’t have, at least not the way we’re used to.  Rock U. is built on the joy of sharing music together in the same physical space and in front of an audience, and that’s been taken away from all of us temporarily.  But we’re going to find ways to keep your musical journey moving forward, one little step at a time.”  You know what to do!

Stay chill, hang tough, and make music,
Matt and the Rock U. Crew

Join us for this school holiday rock music program!  If you already play an instrument or sing, or if you’ve always wanted to try drums, bass, guitar, keyboards and more, this program is for you.  You and your band will learn songs throughout the week, explore different music styles and instruments, and make a video of your performance!  All ability levels and all instruments welcome.

  • Two sessions: Oct 19-23 and 26-30
  • Two bands per session: 11h-12h30 (ages 8-11) and 13h30-15h (ages 12-15)
  • 195€ per week

Sign up here!  For more information, email

We are ready to rock!  Our studio opens for fall bands and lessons on Monday 28 September!  If you’re new to Rock U., or you need a refresher, we’d like to remind you of our procedures for public health and safety during the coronavirus pandemic.  As always, we will conform to, or exceed, all public health and safety regulations in force for schools and public spaces in Paris.

Please read our ten rules below, and watch our video for a quick recap!

  1. Masks must be worn at all times at Rock U., even when singing.
  2. All participants will wash their hands with soap and water or sanitize them with gel (provided) on arrival.
  3. Only our band members may enter the studio.  Parents, caregivers, siblings, and friends, please remain outside when dropping off or picking up your rocker.
  4. If you’re sick, please don’t attend your Rock U. band practice!  Stay home and contact your doctor if you show any symptoms related to COVID-19.
  5. Whenever possible, we’ll use both upstairs and downstairs spaces in our studio to rehearse, in order to maximize distancing.  Please note that this may depend on the time of day, the number of people in the band, and other activities going on at the time of the band practice.
  6. We have clearly marked zones in our studio, allowing for the full band to play together while still maintaining a 2-meter distance between musicians in many cases, and a minimum distance of 1 meter.  Stay in your zones while playing!
  7. The Rock U. studio will be professionally cleaned and disinfected each day.
  8. Instruments and microphones will be disinfected after each use.
  9. Practices will end 15 minutes early to allow for ventilation and disinfection of the studio between each band session.
  10. Students are asked to leave Rock U. promptly after their band practice to avoid contact between bands.  Parents of younger rockers, please pick your child up on time!

Thank you!  With your cooperation, we can keep rocking safely.  Rock on!

Hey Rockers, it’s rentrée time, and Rock U. is ready to roll!  Registration for fall bands and lessons opens online on Tuesday 1 September, at 9 AM.  Bands and lessons start rockin’ on Monday 28 September!

I’m ready to rock!  How do I sign up?

For kids, teen, and adult bands:
  • If you were in a Rock U. band last year, and you want to stay in the same band, nothing could be easier.  Just sign up before Thursday 3 September and list your band as your first choice.  But remember, starting 3 September, band assignments will be on a first-come, first-served basis and open to all.  So don’t wait!
  • If you were in Rock U. last year, but you want to change to a new band this year, you’ll still get priority over new students as long as you sign up before 3 September.  We’ll try to put everyone in their preferred band, but first we have to see how many band members are returning to each band and how many returning students want to change bands.
  • If you are new to Rock U., you can still sign up online starting at 9 AM on Tuesday!  New students will be assigned to bands on a first-come, first-served basis, starting on Thursday 3 September after returning students have had an opportunity to reserve their spots.  So if you’re first to sign up on Tuesday, you’ll be first to be assigned to a band starting Thursday.
  • Whether you’re new to Rock U. or you want to change bands from last year, please select at least a first and second choice of bands.  You’ll receive your band assignment within a few days, and no fees will be charged until both Rock U. and the student agree to the band assignment.
  • The complete fall band schedule, including additional new bands and modified time slots, can be seen right here.

For private lessons:

  • The majority of our private lessons will remain online until restrictions due to Covid-19 ease or change.  However, we will offer some in-studio lessons on a limited basis.  Please be sure to specify your choice between online and in-studio lessons when you register.
  • Whether you are a returning or new lesson student, please provide as many choices as possible for your lesson time when you register!  We’ll try to put together a schedule that meets everyone’s needs.
  • You’ll receive an email offering you a specific lesson time slot and teacher within a few days.  No fees will be charged until both Rock U. and the student agree to the lesson assignment.

Rock U. is happy to offer a full slate of in-person and online courses for summer 2020! 

Record a song, join a ukulele band, dive deep into music theory, or learn how to mix and master your own tracks.  The choice is yours – pick one or do them all!  Rock U.’s summer courses will keep you moving forward in music, no matter where in the world you’re spending this summer.

More details here.  Sign up here!

Thanks to a positive outlook for the next stage of deconfinement, we are reopening our Rock U. Summer Sessions for ages 8-15! 

Two bands per week, with daily practices Monday through Friday from 11h-12h30 (ages 8-11) and 13h30-15h (ages 12-15).  Bands will learn songs during the week and then make videos on Friday to share with their friends and family.

Weekly bands 29 June through 31 July.  No bands 13-17 July.

Price per week: 195€

Sign up here!

Dear Rock U. rockers, parents, friends, fans, and families:

The Lads from Liverpool said it this way:

You know, if you break my heart I’ll go
But I’ll be back again

Rock U. got a piece of news this week that wasn’t unexpected, but still broke our hearts just a bit.  Our annual Rock U. En Seine festival, scheduled this year for 14, 20, and 21 June, has finally, officially, been cancelled.  Our wonderful venues La Javelle and Bal de la Marine tried as hard as they could to make this fantastic event work out, but it just can’t be done under the current rules and conditions.  So, with regret, we’ve accepted the inevitable, and there will be no Rock U. en Seine in 2020.

But, like the Fab Four, we know it’s not over.  We’re doing everything we can to make sure this year at Rock U. ends with a bang, not a whimper.  Here’s what we’ve got planned as the school year winds down.

Kids’ and teen bands
Our bands and teachers have been rocking hard all spring and are now putting the finishing touches on a bunch of great new videos and audio tracks.  Stay tuned as always on Rock U.’s Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and SoundCloud channels for our final releases of the year.  And mark your calendars – we’re already booked at La Boule Noire on 13 December 2020 for our Fall Concert.  And we can’t wait!

Summer offerings
We won’t be hosting our usual summer bands at Rock U., but instead we’ll offer an amazing lineup of online summer courses, ranging from group ukulele bands to songwriting workshops to one-on-one tutorials in sound engineering.  And best of all, you can take them from anywhere in the world.  Summer courses will be announced early next week, so stay tuned!

Adult bands
Our adult bands have returned to the studio after a long hiatus and are rocking some great new songs!  We hope to play them for you onstage near the end of July, watch this space for more.

Private lessons
For the first time ever, our talented instructors will be offering lessons throughout the summer via Skype and Zoom.  Private lessons work really well online, and it doesn’t matter where in the world you are as long as you have an internet connection and an instrument.  If you’d like to take lessons this summer, you can sign up here.

I just want to add one final, and personal, word of thanks to our amazing teachers.  They’ve worked harder than ever to bring the joy of rock ‘n’ roll to our students under unprecedented conditions, and have my deep admiration and gratitude for their efforts.  Thanks, Crew!

Let’s give Freddie the last word…

Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for?

The show must go on
The show must go on
I’ll face it with a grin, I’m never giving in
On with the show

Stay chill, hang tough, make music,
and have a great summer!
Matt and the Rock U. Crew