Get Ready to Rock

Are you ready to rock like this?
Enrollment opens 5 Sept for Fall Session starting 30 Sept 2024! Concert 15 Dec 2024 at La Boule Noire

Best of Paris Winner 2018Best of Paris Winner 2019/2020Best of Paris Winner 2017Watch the video!Enroll now!
Rock U. Seine, Paris Kids band program
Rock U. Paris Adults Bands

What is Rock U.?

Rock U. is a performance-based rock band program for kids, teens, and adults that is as rewarding as it is fun!

  • all instruments
  • small group sizes
  • all ability levels

Why Rock U.?

Being in a rock band isn’t just about playing the notes and the beats. It’s about responsibility, confidence, teamwork, trust, and the thrill of creating something with others that you could never create by yourself. We’ll rock out for sure, but more importantly we’ll learn how to make music together as a band in a supportive, fun environment. Every Rock U. session will conclude with a live performance for a real audience.

I’m ready to Rock’EnRoll!

Fall Session: 30 Sept – 14 Dec 2024
Concert Sun 15 Dec at La Boule Noire

22 Ave de Suffren, 75015 Paris

Bands and lessons for all levels

Experience Rock U.

Find more videos on our You Tube channel.

Latest News

Rock U. Summer Session 2024

Rock your summer with Rock U.! Weekly bands for ages 8-16, 1-19 July

Rock U. En Seine 2024!

Rock U. en Seine 2024! Every Rock U. band in concert Fri-Sun 21-22-23 June

ELEPHANZ and Thomas Sténou back at Rock U., 29-30 March!

Another chance to learn music production from internationally known pop artists and producers ELEPHANZ and Thomas Sténou!

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