Please read our ten rules below, and watch our video for a quick recap!
- Masks must be worn at all times at Rock U., even when singing.
- All participants will wash their hands with soap and water or sanitize them with gel (provided) on arrival.
- Only our band members may enter the studio. Parents, caregivers, siblings, and friends, please remain outside when dropping off or picking up your rocker.
- If you’re sick, please don’t attend your Rock U. band practice! Stay home and contact your doctor if you show any symptoms related to COVID-19.
- Whenever possible, we’ll use both upstairs and downstairs spaces in our studio to rehearse, in order to maximize distancing. Please note that this may depend on the time of day, the number of people in the band, and other activities going on at the time of the band practice.
- We have clearly marked zones in our studio, allowing for the full band to play together while still maintaining a 2-meter distance between musicians in many cases, and a minimum distance of 1 meter. Stay in your zones while playing!
- The Rock U. studio will be professionally cleaned and disinfected each day.
- Instruments and microphones will be disinfected after each use.
- Practices will end 15 minutes early to allow for ventilation and disinfection of the studio between each band session.
- Students are asked to leave Rock U. promptly after their band practice to avoid contact between bands. Parents of younger rockers, please pick your child up on time!
Thank you! With your cooperation, we can keep rocking safely. Rock on!