
Rock U. bands have performed 492 different songs onstage, and we will play our 500th song at our upcoming Rock U. En Seine show on Sat 19 June at La Javelle.  So, we’re celebrating!  How well do you know your Rock U. trivia?  Now’s your chance to prove you’re a master of Rock U. lore – and win a 100€ gift card from Thomann!

Take the quiz here

*20 questions (plus bonus questions): the Origin Story, the Tunes, the Crew, and the Rock U. family (that’s you)!

*500 points total – how many can you earn?

*Most of the questions can be answered by anyone, if you search hard enough (hint – search Rock U.’s FacebookInstagramYouTube channel, and website for clues)

*The entry with the highest point total in the Rock U. 500 Quiz will win a 100€ gift card to Musikhaus Thomann, Europe’s best online music store!

*Three runner-up entries will win limited-edition, one-of-a-kind (well, three-of-a-kind) Rock U. 500 logo t-shirts

*Quiz closes at midnight on Thursday 17 June; correct answers published at noon on Friday 18 June

*The winners will be announced – where else? – onstage at Rock U. En Seine, right before we play the 500th song

Join the Rock U. 500 Celebration!

Dear Rock U. Rockers, Families, Friends, Fans, and Alumni:

What a ride!  Not just in the last year, but since Rock U.’s founding in 2013.  When our seventeen student bands take the stage on 19 June for the 2021 Rock U. En Seine festival at La Javelle, one of them will play the 500th song we’ve performed live (or on video during confinement).

Yup, that’s not a typo.  Our bands have already performed 492 different songs onstage, and we will hit 500 at the show.  And that doesn’t even count our summer and school holiday bands or our adult bands.

So, to mark this milestone, we bring you:
The Rock U. 500 celebration!

*Every day from tomorrow until the show, we’ll post on Instagram and Facebook using the #rocku500 hashtag, telling the story of Rock U. through our first 500 songs

*On Tuesday 8 June we’ll post the Rock U. 500 Quiz, open to anyone (except the Rock U. Crew and their families, sorry guys)

*The winning entry in the Rock U. 500 Quiz will win a 100€ gift card to Musikhaus Thomann, Europe’s best online music store!

*Three runner-up entries will win limited edition, one-of-a-kind (well, three-of-a-kind) Rock U. 500 logo t-shirts!

*The winners will be announced – where else? – onstage at Rock U. En Seine, right before we play the 500th song

So, what do you need to do?

*Follow and like Rock U. and the #rocku500 hashtag to see the daily updates

*Watch your email and our social media for the contest link on Tuesday

*Submit your entry!  Most of the questions can be answered by anyone, if you search hard enough

*Share your own #rocku500 memories using the hashtag!

Collaborate with fellow rockers to write and perform original songs!  Experience how fun and creative songwriting can be in this week-long online summer workshop. No previous songwriting experience necessary.

  • Dates and times: 5-9 July, 16-17h30
  • Fee: 215€
  • Ages 12 and up, maximum of 6 participants
Sign up here!

Jason Waters is a New York City native with over 15 years of international experience in music teaching, performance and songwriting. He has recorded with renowned musicians like Steve Holley (Paul McCartney) and Angela Workman (Ray Charles), and has developed and facilitated music programs for youth, refugees and divided communities in regional conflict zones. Jason knows that music can serve as a powerful means for building empathy and bringing communities together.

Time to create!  Please email with any questions.  

Summertime Blues?  We’ve got you covered.  Rock your summer with Rock U.!

Two bands per week, with daily practices Monday through Friday from 11h-12h30 (ages 8-11) and 13h-14h30 (ages 12-16).  Bands will learn songs during the week, and then make videos on Friday to share with their friends and family.

Weekly bands 28 June through 30 July.  No bands 12-16 July.

Price per week: 195€

Sign up here!

We can hardly believe it ourselves.  After a year without live shows, Rock U. will finally retake the stage at our favorite outdoor spot, La Javelle!

Please join us at this wonderful riverside music venue on Saturday 19 June for the 2021 edition of Rock U. En Seine!  As always, admission is free and all are welcome.

*Seventeen student bands!
*Hits by The Ramones, Childish Gambino, The Police, Black Sabbath, Paramore, Van Halen, Dire Straits, Franz Ferdinand, Nothing But Thieves, Arctic Monkeys, Bruno Mars, Queen… and many more!

More info here!

No worries. One week on Zoom?  Please. We got this.  Let’s Rock the Confine again… again!
Here’s what you need to know right now:
*All Rock U. bands will meet on Zoom Tues-Sat next week.  Your (or your rocker’s) band teacher will contact you with Zoom details before the day of the band practice.
*All Rock U. private lessons not already online will move online Tues-Sat next week.
*Rock U. will conform to the new schedule for school holidays, and will close from 11-25 April, instead of 18 April-2 May as previously planned.
*Our planned Spring Break Bands during the school vacation will be cancelled.

*As of now, we expect to reopen for in-person bands and lessons on 26 April.
And here’s what’s good to keep in mind:
*Our Spring Session was already scheduled to be a week longer than our Fall and Winter Sessions, to compensate for the May school holidays.  So as a result, even if we’re on Zoom for one week, we’ll still have a full trimester of in-person practices.
*While we’d much rather be in the studio, our two previous lockdowns didn’t stop the rock.  Last spring’s confinement turned into a period of unprecedented creativity and learning for most of us at Rock U, as you can see in this video.  And during last fall’s lockdown, we improved our instructional techniques on Zoom to the point that our bands were able to walk into the studio after 6 weeks away and record great videos on their very first day back.  Check out all 112 videos and listen to all 21 audio tracks our student bands have created in the past year despite two lockdowns!
*We are very hopeful that the current measures and the continuing vaccination program, along with the recent announcement of reopening of cultural spaces in mid-May, will finally allow us to return to performing live onstage for our outdoor June concert.  If we have to stay on Zoom for a week to be able to play live in June, it’s worth it!
Private lessons: 
We will continue to offer online lessons during this period of closure.  Many of our lessons are already online, and students taking lessons in person will have the option to either move online or suspend their lessons until deconfinement allows, with no penalty.  If you have any questions about lessons, please contact Lesson Coordinator Jason Waters at 07 67 78 88 16 or
If you need to get in touch with your (or your child’s) teacher:
Matt Black: 06 19 69 25 74
Jonathan Crocco: 06 50 93 49 94
Kevin Kretsch: 06 20 70 58 45
Leander Lyons: 06 73 54 25 78
Rory Quinn: 06 59 99 51 63
Jason Waters: 07 67 78 88 16
Here’s what we said last March when the first lockdown arrived:
“We know this isn’t how any of us expected to be spending our time this month.  The irony of this situation is that togetherness and music are two things that could be really helpful to most of us during this period of isolation and uncertainty, and they’re two things we can’t have, at least not the way we’re used to.  Rock U. is built on the joy of sharing music together in the same physical space and in front of an audience, and that’s been taken away from all of us temporarily.  But we’re going to find ways to keep your musical journey moving forward, one little step at a time.”  You know what to do!

Stay chill, hang tough, and make music,
Matt and the Rock U. Crew

Join us for this school holiday rock music program!  If you already play an instrument or sing, or if you’ve always wanted to try drums, bass, guitar, keyboards and more, this program is for you.  You and your band will learn songs throughout the week, explore different music styles and instruments, and make a video of your performance!  All ability levels and all instruments welcome.

  • Two sessions: Feb 15-19 and Feb 22-26
  • Two bands per session: 11h-12h30 (ages 8-11) and 13h30-15h (ages 12-15)
  • 195€ per week

To sign up for a Rock U. holiday band, click here!  For more information, email

We’re back!  And we can’t wait to rock with you in 2021.  Rock U. Winter Session starts today.  Please read below for more information about specific bands and programs.


Youth and teen bands

As of today, all Rock U. youth and teen bands will resume practicing at Rock U. at their normal practice times.  All of our procedures for managing coronavirus risk remain in effect as before (please see below for more information). Please note: as long as the 20h curfew remains in place, bands that begin practice at 18h30 will finish at 19h45 instead of 20h.  Any rockers who need to leave earlier than 19h45 to get home by 20h will of course be excused earlier.

Mark your calendars: it’s too soon to know yet, but we’re hopeful that our Winter Concert at La Boule Noire will take place as scheduled on Sunday 21 March!

Adult bands

We are still waiting for the official green light to resume adult band practices, which could come as early as the end of this week, but we hope will arrive by the end of January at the latest.  We’ll start rehearsals again as soon as that happens, and we will send you a revised calendar at that time for the rest of the year.  We’re almost there, everyone, stay chill and stay tuned!

Private lessons

All private lessons resume this week either at Rock U. or on Zoom, with the same procedures and schedules in effect as before the confinement began in October.  If you have any questions about your lesson time, please contact Lesson Coordinator Jason Waters at 07 67 78 88 16 or or ask your lesson teacher directly.
Health and safety procedures
Finally, an important reminder: Our procedures to prevent coronavirus transmission work (you can review them here) and remain in effect.  We have not had a single known case of coronavirus transmission at Rock U. since we reopened in May after the first confinement.   We’re so glad you can keep rocking safely with us!
See you in the studio, ready to rock!
Matt and the Rock U. Crew

Thanks for rockin’ with us in 2020!

Check out the Rock U. Crew covering Chuck Berry (with your help) HERE

Our Confinement Concert Series comes to a close with new video premieres this week!  Videos drop starting Monday at 17h Paris time HERE

Seventeen student bands!  Hits by Queen, Muse, Post Malone, Metallica, Imagine Dragons, AC/DC, Michael Jackson, The Cars, Weezer, Arctic Monkeys, Blur, U2, Nirvana, and many more!

Likesubscribe, and follow to see new videos as they go up.

Let’s rock together in 2021!  Rock U. Winter Session starts on Monday 4 January for youth and teen bands.  We’ve had a great time making videos in 2020, but we hope 2021 will allow us to return to the stage to play live shows again.  Either way, our bands will get back to rocking at the Rock U. studio, safely distanced, disinfected, and masked.   We look forward to welcoming our adult bands back as soon as 7 January (confirmation pending).

If you’re already in a band and want to continue with the same band, just send us an email at, there’s no need to register again.

If you’re new to Rock U. and ready to join a band, sign up here!