We Rocked the Confine – Again!
World Premiere videos and audio coming this week
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Rock U. contributed a whooping 103 entries.
World Premiere videos and audio coming this week
You can’t stop the rock!
The waiting is the hardest part
Limited Edition “Rock the Confine 2020” t-shirts available for preorder now!
We’ve been here before, and we know what to do. How we’re keeping you rockin’ and rollin’ during the month of November.
School breaks are a great time to rock! Join us for week-long rock band programs during the Toussaint holiday.
We’re ready to Rock the Rentrée! Rock U. registration opens online Tues 1 Sept.
A full range of new musical experiences for Summer 2020, available in person or online
Weekly bands for ages 8-15, 29 June – 31 July
What a year 2019-2020 has been!
Phone: +33 06 19 69 25 74
e-mail: info@rock-u.fr
Classes held at:
22 Ave de Suffren, 75015 Paris
Mailing address:
Matt Black, Rock U.
29 Ave de Suffren
75007 Paris
Photos: Annette Foland, Natalie Smith, Jenna Lennen, Becky Black, Karen Lewis, Timo Elliott, Bill Metzger, Sabrina Black, Alice Scales, Johnny Stein, Brahm Rhodes, Edward Ricketts, Simon Patching, Claire Thomas
Icons: Fontello, Flaticon
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Rock U. is registered in France as a non-profit Association Loi 1901. SIRET 821 670 866 00010.